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  3. Managing, Reviewing, Commenting, Changing your Video Project

Team Uploader

Anyone can upload assets to a Pro Video Project with Team Uploader.

Need someone to upload assets into your Pro Video Project?

Not a problem, with Team Uploader! If a Project Owner needs to ask someone who does not have access to the workspace to upload any assets into a project, they can share a Team Uploader link.

How do I create a 'Team Upload Link'?

When selecting 'Team Uploader' from the action dots menu on (or within) a project, a Project Owner can create a share link or QR code to allow someone outside their Shootsta workspace to upload into the project. The Team Uploader option allows for an expiration and/or password protection to the link and QR code. This functionality should improve the Project Owner's experience in managing projects and allocating work as needed.

What Happens when I share the Team Upload link or QR Code?

When your recipients access the Team Upload link or QR Code, they will be asked to input a name and email address to assign the uploads to. Once in the Team Uploader page, they may drag and drop or browse their device for the assets needed for the upload.

Anything else I need to know?

Team Upload links can only be generated on yet-to-be-completed video projects. So in order for anyone to use the Team Upload links, the project does need to be in the Draft, In Progress or Requires Action stage.

Got Questions? Contact us or reach out to our team via Live Chat in the bottom corner of this page. We would love to help!