Your Audience Types have been curated by your Company Admins to best define who your target audience is. If needed an Endorsement Flow for Approvals is attached to your audience selection.
Selecting Your Target Audience for Your Project: Who Will See It?
When creating a video in Shootsta Pro, selecting your target audience is a crucial step that helps define the scope and impact of your content. Whether your video is for internal communication, training, or outreach, you’ll need to choose who will see it. The available audience options include:
Just Your Team or Site: This is the most focused audience option, limited to your immediate team or specific worksite. If your content is for internal use only and does not require wider distribution, this option ensures a targeted reach. This audience may or may not require an approval structure based on its sensitivity.
Employees in Your Function or Group: If your video is meant for a specific function or department within your organisation, this option ensures that only relevant individuals will view it. A templated approval structure might be required for this type of audience to ensure the content aligns with company standards before it's shared.
Employees in Your Country: A wider audience, this option is perfect for region-specific communications. Whether it's a local update or a countrywide initiative, selecting this option helps ensure the message resonates with the right cultural or geographical context. Depending on your content, approval may be necessary to ensure it aligns with local regulations or sensitivities.
All Employees: If you want your video to be seen by everyone in the organisation, regardless of department or location, this option casts the widest net. This option might require a more formal approval process to ensure that the content aligns with company-wide policies or corporate messaging.
External Stakeholders: When your video needs to reach people outside the organisation, such as clients, partners, or the public, this option ensures your content is appropriately tailored for an external audience. External videos often require careful review and approval to ensure consistency with your brand message, public image, and any legal considerations.
Each audience type may or may not have a templated approval structure attached. This structure ensures that content is reviewed and meets the necessary standards before it’s finalized for distribution. Whether it’s a simple internal update or a video for external stakeholders, understanding who will see your video helps guide the production and approval process, ensuring that your message is both relevant and compliant.