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  2. Sharing and Collaborating in Shootsta Pro

Share your Shootsta Pro videos to your video hosting platforms

Shootsta supports sharing your video with: HubSpot, Brightcove, TwentyThree, Vimeo, Youtube, Vidyard, Wistia


Step 1: Connect your host account with your Shootsta

To enable publishing to Brightcove, TwentyThree, Vimeo, Youtube, Vidyard, or Wistia, you will need to connect each of your hosting accounts, with your Shootsta workspace (a workspace admin will need to do this).

1. Login to your Shootsta workspace.

2. Open up a Video that has been completed (this could be either a video you created or a video you have access to)

3. From within the completed video, you will see your options to 'Share to the Web'

4. Select the publishing platform, click Connect, and follow the steps to Connect

Step 2: Publish your video

When your hosting platforms are set up in Shootsta, you can publish your Shootsta videos to your nominated platforms. First, click into your completed project.

Select 'Share To Web' on the platform you would like to publish to.


That’s it! Now that your video is live it’s time to sit back and monitor your video analytics. Not sure what they mean? Check out our ‘How to read your video analytics’ article.



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