How to create a Splash page template

What is a Splash Page?

Shootsta Elevate is the all-in-one video tool for sales teams. Shootsta Elevate will allow you to create templated and branded sales videos designed for any stage of the sales pipeline. The best part is, your video will be ready to share fairly quickly. When your video is ready, Shootsta Elevate will generate a splash page for you. A splash page is the unique page where your newly created video will live. This page is shareable, so it can be sent to your intended recipients. Your splash page will also double as a calling card. Included in the splash page could be:

  • contact information

  • a "call to action"

  • product information

  • any case studies

How can I create a Splash Page template?

Admins in Shootsta have the ability to create Splash Pages. A Splash Page has a direct relationship with an Elevate Template. Bear in mind, if you change or update a Splash Page, it will only affect new Elevates created. **Changing a Splash Page will not update any already created and sent Splash Pages.

There are two ways to create a Splash page template for Elevate videos. Ask Shootsta to create it, or create a Splash Page yourself.

If requesting for Shootsta to create the Splash Page for you:

  1. Navigate to Elevate and begin the process of creating a new Elevate Template.

  2. The fourth step to the Elevate template creation process is the Splash Page.

  3. At this stage, you can download a pdf to request what you want on the Splash Page. This request is then submitted to our Production team with the Elevate Template to be created.

If you want to create your own with the Splash Page Creation tool:

  1. From Elevate, Select 'Splash Pages' from the top menu.

  2. Then select New Splash on the right

  3. Title your Splash Page


  4. You have the option to select: Standard or Basic

  5. When Building the Splash Page, you can input your logo:

  6. Add an introduction to your enablement content in the text box:

  7. And Have a Clear and Direct Call-To-Action that is inviting to your audience. You can design your Call-To-Actions to be inline with your branding and logo:


  8. Generate a Preview to visualise how your audience will see your Splash Page, and Publish if you are happy with it. *Remember, only published Splash Pages can be used with your Elevate Templates.

Got questions? Message us via Live Chat, We'd love to help!

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