How to prepare for your Shootsta Camera Operator

I've booked a Shootsta Camera Operator to help with my shoot. How do I prepare for my shoot? What do I need to do before my Shootsta Camera Operator arrives?

Preparing for a video shoot with a Shootsta Camera Operator is crucial to ensure that everything goes smoothly and you capture the footage you need.


**Please bear in mind Shootsta's Camera Operators are not Project Managers or Producers, so we recommend that there is a project owner on the day and a precise schedule with times, locations and shot descriptions.


Here are the steps to help you prepare:

  1. Define Your Goals, Plan your Content, Set Timelines:

    • Not sure where to start with definining your goals... our Shootsta Video Plan can guide you through planning for your shoot.

    • Create a script that outlines the key points, scenes, and shots you want to include in your video.

    • Storyboarding can help you visualize the sequence of shots and transitions. Create a shot list that details the specific shots you need for each scene. Consider camera angles, framing, and movement to achieve the desired visual style.

    • Create a production schedule with deadlines for shooting. **Remember that shooting people takes longer than getting cutaways. People may make mistakes, want to change the script or have trouble performing, consider this in your schedule.


  2. Assemble Your Team:

    • Decide who will be involved in the video production, including your Shootsta Camera Operator, presenters or anyone you are filming, and crew members.

    • Make sure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

    • **Please bear in mind Shootsta's Camera Operators are not Project Managers or Producers


  3. Location Scouting:

    • If you need specific locations for your shoot, visit them in advance to assess lighting, acoustics, and any potential issues.


  4. Equipment:

    • Check your Shootsta Kit. Make sure all the pieces are operational. Remember if some of the parts in your Shootsta Kit need replacing that they might need to be ordered.

    • Gather any extra necessary equipment, including cameras, lenses, microphones, tripods, lighting, and any other accessories, if you do not have access to your Shootsta Kit.

    • Test all equipment to ensure it's functioning properly!! There's nothing worse than a microphone that won't pick up sound when your ready to shoot.


  5. Wardrobe:

    • Choose appropriate clothing and costumes for your talent. If you are aiming for a particular look and feel for your video, informing your on screen talent to 'look the part' could be really important.


  6. Permissions, Releases, Logistics:

    • If you plan to shoot in public places or use private property, secure the necessary permits.

    • Ensure you have signed talent releases for all on-camera participants.

    • Arrange transportation for your team and equipment to the shooting location.

    • Have backup plans in case of weather-related or technical issues.


  7. Lighting and Sound:

    • Set up and test your lighting to ensure a well-lit and visually appealing scene, natural light works best, or use your Shootsta LED light.

    • Use your Shootsta Kit microphones for better audio quality, and monitor audio levels during the shoot.


  8. Rehearse:

    • Conduct rehearsals with your talent to ensure they are comfortable with their lines and actions.

  9. Shooting Day:

    • Arrive at the location early to set up and conduct final checks.

    • Stick to your schedule and shot list as closely as possible.


  10. Review Footage, Backup and Storage:

    • After each shot or scene, review the footage to ensure it meets your quality standards.

    • Safely back up all footage and audio files to prevent data loss- it is best to get your files backed-up as soon as possible.

    • Select to share a Shootsta Platform Public Uploader link (this will give access to your Shootsta Camera Operator to your Shootsta Pro Video Project without giving them a seat to your Shootsta Workspace), or to supply access to Shootsta for your stakeholders.


  11. Communicate with your Cam Op (and Shootsta) about everything:

    • Your Cam Op is primarily concerned with excellent shot composition, audio and lighting. So if you have expectations around styling, branding, specific content and talent management, please talk to Shootsta first and to your cam op on the day so we can try to adjust to suit your needs.​

By following these steps and paying attention to details, you can ensure a successful video shoot that meets your objectives and resonates with your audience.

Have any questions? Reach out to us via Live Chat if you have any questions.