Team Management

Shootsta allows you to organise your Workspace with Teams.

Teams are groupings of users in your Shootsta Workspace. Teams are great to use for collaboration purposes and for allocating credits. If you are working within teams in your organisation, it may make sense to create a similar team structure in your Shootsta Workspace.

Creating Teams

The best part about teams are that you have control over whether or not you use teams. Your Shootsta Workspace Org Admin can create and manage teams through the Organisation page.

1) Create New Team

Creating Teams is done in the 'Manage Teams' section of your Workspace Organisation Page.

2) Team Details

When you create a team, your workspace will ask for details about the team like the team name, team description, and team admin. Designating a Team Admin will allow that user to manage the team in the Workspace.

3) Add Users

Once the Team is created, you can then add in users to the team.

4) Manage your Team

Add or Remove users from your team, or even invite new users to the Hub from within the Team structure.


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