Managing your Projects
To manage your video projects, log in to Shootsta and go to the ‘Pro' page. via the sidebar on the left. Here you can find and manage all of your projects.
Notifications in Shootsta:
You will be notified when something requires your attention with Shootsta in-app notifications. If you are the owner of a project that requires any attention then you will also receive email notifications for it. Both types of notifications are triggered by different actions in Shootsta. Notifications are designed to drive your interactions with Shootsta.
Notifications Video Tutorial:
Notification Types in Shootsta:
As an administrator in Shootsta, you will be notified for:
inspirations post reported
no Shootsta credits remaining or credit amounts changed
Shootsta subscription package change confirmation
As a project owner in Shootsta, you will be notified for:
inspirations post (that you created) reported
access requested
video pending review
video approved
video placed on/off hold
video submitted
comment made on video
project ownership assigned
project moved back to draft
custom due date assigned to project
project not able to be a rush edit
credits adjusted on your project
As a user in Shootsta, you will be notified for:
invitation to Shootsta
forgot password
invitation to collaborate
invitation accepted
comment mention or @taging
Project Filters:
Project Filters create relevance the Your Projects section. of your Pro page with the flexibility to find what you need. Your Projects page will filter by default to 'All Videos' that are 'Owned By Me'. You can filter your projects by their status or user, and search for the project itself.
Filter View:
Each video project tile indicates:
a thumbnail preview of your project's master video
the current status of your project
the title of your project
your project ID (this can be clicked to copy the ID code to your clipboard)
the number of video outputs in the project
Here is the detail you will see on each project tile:
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